
來試試新玩意之三,Blogger in Draft:Scheduled Posts

於,Blogger也有個功能,所謂Scheduled Posts,就是能夠將你所要發表的文章,設定一個你想要發佈的時間,當所設定的時間一到,該篇文章就會自動發佈,不過就如Josh先前在來試試新玩意之一,Blogger in Draft:訂閱連結來試試新玩意之二,Blogger in Draft:網誌清單所說的,這個新功能一樣要先登入http://draft.blogger.com/才有效,現在就讓我們來試試這個功能。


Josh這一篇預計在2/27 上午10:00發佈,所以我就將這個時間輸入,完成後“發佈文章”,回到文章列表中,你會發現該篇文章在會有“已排定”的字樣,這就表示這一篇文章會在設定時間到時才會發佈,這真的是一個很方便的功能。

但是,現在問題來了,有一些Blog會將文章的日期定在未來的某個時間,以便於將該篇文章置於最上方,方便閱讀,如此一來,是否會和這一個新功能有所衝突?關於這一點Blogger in draft也有設想到,以下摘自New feature: Scheduled Posts
We know that some bloggers currently use future post dates in order to keep one post at the top of their blog for a while. Though we recommend that you use a Text page element for this, you can still get this old behavior with just one additional step. First, publish your post with the current date and time. This will publish it to your blog. Then, once it’s published, edit the post to change the date to the future and publish it again. We don’t re-schedule posts that are already published, so the post will stay on your blog but sort to the very top.

As with published posts, the post editor does not autosave scheduled posts if you go back and edit them. You wouldn’t want the post to publish while you’re in the middle of editing it! You can save the scheduled post as a draft to remove the scheduling and this will turn autosave back on.

當要修改一篇已排定發佈時間的文章,自動儲存的功能將會關閉,要再啟用自動儲存的功能,可先將該篇文章再儲存成草稿,再次進入編輯,這樣該篇文章會自排定發佈移除,而自動儲存的功能也就會再度開啟,當然以上的動作都是要在Blogger in draft中進行。

最後為了取信於各位,附一現在時間的圖,以茲證明。當你在2/27 上午10:00以後看到這一篇,留個言吧,多謝了。
